Production of Induced E.M.F and Current | Production of Electricity

Production of Induced E.M.F. and Current

Production of E.M.F and Current

Fig "a" is shown an insulated coil whose terminals are connected to a sensitive galvanometer G. It is placed close to a stationary bar magnet initially at position AB (shown dotted). As seen, some flux from the N-pole of the magnet is linked with or threads through the coil but, as yet, there is no deflection of the galvanometer. 

Production of Induced E.M.F and Current Image

Now, suppose that the magnet is suddenly brought closer to the coil in position CD (see figure). Then, it is found that there is a jerk or a sudden but momentary deflection in the galvanometer and that this lasts so long as the magnet is in motion relative to the coil, not otherwise. The deflection is reduced to zero when the magnet becomes again stationary at its new position CD. It should be noted that due to the approach of the magnet, flux linked with the coil is increased. Next, the magnetic suddenly withdrawn away from the coil as in Fig "b" It is found that again there is a momentary deflection in the galvanometer and it persists so long 

Production of Induced E.M.F and Current Image

as the magnet is in motion, not when it becomes stationary. It is important to note that this deflection is in a direction opposite to that of Fig "a"Obviously, due to the withdrawal of the magnet, flux linked with the coil is decreased The deflection of the galvanometer indicates the production of emf. in the coil. The only cause of the production can be the sudden approach or withdrawal of the magnet from the coil. It is found that the actual cause of this e.m.f. is the change of flux linking with the coil. This e.m.f. exists so long as the change in flux exists Stationary flux, however strong, will never induce any em.f. in a stationary conductor. The same results can be obtained by keeping the bar magnet stationary and moving the coil suddenly away or towards the magnet The direction of this electromagnetically-induced em.f. is as shown in the two figures given above. The production of this electromagnetically-induced e.m.f. is further illustrated by considering a conductor AB lying within a magnetic field and connected to a galvanometer as shown in Fig "c" It is found that whenever this conductor is moved up or down, a momentary deflection is produced in the galvanometer. It means that some transient em.f. is 

Production of Induced E.M.F and Current Image

induced in AB. The magnitude of this induced e.m.f. (and hence the amount of deflection in the galvanometer) depends on the quickness of the movement of AB From this experiment we conclude that whenever a conductor cuts or shears the magnetic flux. an em.f. is always induced in it. It is also found that if the conductor is moved parallel to the direction of the flux so that it does not cut it, then no end is induced in it.



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